On August 21, 2017, a solar eclipse swept across North America. Tens of millions of people looked skyward as the moon passed between Earth and the sun and, for a brief moment, daylight turned into darkness.
Homes, schools, and office buildings emptied as people gathered outdoors to view the stellar event. There was great enthusiasm within my neighborhood as many families gathered on driveways and lawns to experience history.
The eclipse was one of nature's spectacles.
I watched the eclipse using a viewing box expertly designed and made from a granola bar box, duct tape, and tin foil and lovingly made by my neighbor Jenn. A few pairs of specially designed eclipse viewing glasses were also on hand. "Wow," "awesome," "this is cool" were the comments as the boxes and glasses passed from one person to another.
I was mesmerized as the moon ever so slowly passed between Earth and the sun and covered the bright sunlight. I observed the partially covered sun filtering through the leaves in the trees and making crescent shapes on the sidewalks and even my arms. I noticed shadows altered; sensor lights coming on; a drop in the temperature; a cool breeze blowing through the trees; the green grass getting greener; and the flowers getting more vibrant. It was a visual feast, and it was spectacular!

I marveled most that the children and adults viewing the eclipse were not in a hurry to take a quick peek through the glasses and then go back inside to pick up where they left off on the business-of-the-day or resume an electronic game. They stayed outside! They stopped, observed, and experienced this heavenly event. They asked why, how and what if questions and in the process discovered the answers all on their own. There was an emotional connection, and it was felt. This "once in a lifetime" experience was not to be missed, not even for a minute.
Marbles Farm children will be given daily opportunities to connect with the wonders of the natural world in our outdoor classrooms. They will discover that experiences in nature are cool. They will be expertly lead to ask why, how and what if questions and discover ways to answer them. At Marbles Farm we know childhood only comes "once in a lifetime" and we don't want any child to miss out -- not even for a minute.
To view some of NASA's amazing eclipse photos go to https://www.nasa.gov/eclipsephotos.