I recently read a TIME Special Edition magazine "The Science of Childhood - Inside the Minds of Our Younger Selves." I would highly recommend it. An article on screen time for children was of particular interest to me after an experience I had a few days ago.
I arrived a half hour early picking my daughter up from swim practice. As I sat in the car, I observed a young mother and toddler on a bench outside the swimming pool. The toddler was fixated on the mother's cell phone.
Never once in the half hour did the child look up, even when the older siblings exited the pool gleefully telling mom about swimming.
The child on the cell phone then went into a complete tantrum when the cell phone was taken away to walk to the car.
The TIME article mentioned that in 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provided guidance regarding screen time for children. Kids under two years old shouldn't be interacting with screens at all, and kids ages 2 to 5 should be limited to an hour of quality content each day.
New research has found that for children under age two, every additional 30 minutes a day they spent using handheld screens, meant they were 49% more likely to have speech delays.
At Marbles Farm, your children will enjoy "scene" time daily, rather than screen time. Children will view, navigate and explore scenery in our neighboring woodlands, paint scenery in our nature art area and construct scenery for their very own dramatic plays. We are cultivating authentic experiences at Marbles Farm.