At Marbles Farm our everyday activities are helping children in their readiness to read.
Talking with children helps them learn oral language, one of the most critical early literacy skills. We love having conversations during our snack time out in the meadow or as we have fun in the snow kitchen.
Singing (and rhyming) increases children's awareness of and sensitivity to the sounds in words. Our funny version of Robin in the Rain doesn't always come out perfectly in tune, but we love pretending to dig worms with our long, strong beaks.
Reading together remains the single most effective way to help children become proficient readers. As we sit under the story tree and read together, stories come alive in this beautiful outdoor setting.
Writing helps children learn that letters and words stand for sound and that print has meaning. We love having the children add their big words to our Big Word Wall every week.
Playing is one of the primary ways young children learn about the world. We love that our friends at Marbles Farm turned the stump pile into a library and picked out just the right books to read in the sunshine.
"Read with the Robins" is Marbles Farm's reading program. Perhaps it is a way to engage your children in reading.